February 18, 2016

Jeremy and I always knew that we wanted to work together, and I always knew that he would start a business. So, that fateful day when I was laid off from my previous employer, I knew he was the person to call right away!

I started working part time, but I was not sure that the company would be able to take me on full time. Jeremy, however never had any doubts. I started full time a few months later, and have not looked back.

Sure there have been some challenging times. Our entire crew works together, goes to church together, attends family events together, and plays together, so occasionally we get on each other’s nerves.

I wouldn’t trade any of though. The benefits of a family business far out weigh any shortcomings. Jeremy and Fred gave me an opportunity when my family and I needed it most. I have stretched myself and have become a better person because of it. Not only have I become a better person, but since family is such a focus, I do not have to worry about missing those big events at school. I have been able to coach both of my kids sporting events. It has been a true blessing.


Here are a few tips on how to make working with family a little easier…

  1. Keep work at work. As I said above, our lives are very much intertwined, so this one is the hardest one. We make a conscience effort to not talk about work while we are at church, family events, or other outings.
  2. Be logical, not emotional. This is a good principle in all business dealings, but it is even harder sometimes when family is involved. It is the old, “you know better” thing. Due to the fact that you know the person you are working with so well your emotions sometimes take over. Do not react. Take a breath and respond.
  3. Make time for each other outside of the office. This one goes along with the keep work at work tip, but it is more than that. You need to focus on setting time aside to have a good time with the family you are working with, or else the relationship will become strained.


Even though working with family can be stressful at times, if you operate in the correct mind set, it can be one of the most rewarding things you do!

About the author 


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